A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization

Serving Northern California
and Surrounding Areas
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Happy Tails  -- 2021 - 2023

Stories of Adopted Collies
* NorCal Collie Rescue is California non-profit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation C2798651 EIN 20-3381549.
   Your donations are fully tax deductible.
Website Developed and Maintained by
Website to the Rescue

Other Years -- 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 & 2003
Adopted January 2021
Adopted September 2021
Adopted September 2022
Adopted July 2022
Adopted November 2022
Adopted November 2022
Adopted November 2022
Daisy Bee / Cali
Adopted December 2022
Daisy Bee came to us in late August.  She was adopted and a new name was in order since a Daisy already existed in the family so here is Cali with her new Momma! She is doing great and loves her life in the mountains of Northern California!
Adopted December 2022
This lovely girl came to us because she did not like her Collie sibling. She created quite a ruckus and was not nice to her brother so the search was on for a home where she could be Queen Bee.  Rylee landed with an amazing family that had Collies before and were ready to open their hearts to Rylee where she reigns as the Queen she thinks she is.  It is a match made in heaven everyone!

Congratulations to the Doster’s!
Posted:  March 2023
Sometimes it just takes a while to find your happy
place.  And when you do it makes all the difference. 
Phoenix came into rescue in February.  A beautiful
rough merle, age 10, he had been mostly a
backyard dog.  But then, collie magic happened.
Rick and Colleen came along.  Phoenix has
discovered so many new pleasures of life.  There's
the daily brushing by Colleen that has removed all
the undercoat and matted fur and revealed him for
the beauty that he is.  Plus, it feels so nice to
stretch out next to her chair and be the center of
attention.  And there's the walks in the
neighborhood with Rick, a stately pair that has
heads turning as they stroll along, as if they had
been doing it forever.   On the intellectual side, it is
the classical music, opera, symphonies that
Phoenix enjoys with both of his people while they
relax in the afternoons watching the world go by
outside the big picture windows.  A dog's life as it
should be. 
Meet Lassen

by Lassen, aka Ms Longnose, aka The Queen

Hey it's me - Lassen and I want to share my fluffy happy tail story with you. I'm
two years old, and I'm what they call a harlequin sable rough collie.
I came to my furever home in July 2022 - my parents used to call me their foster
dog during the initial days; whatever that meant. I packed all my bags, arrived and
settled right in. Few weeks later, my parents announced that i have been adopted
into their home - im not sure what really changed from my paw-spective.
We went to Lassen Volcanic National Park (named after me) to celebrate my 2nd
birthday and i went swimming at lake McCloud which was a lot of fun. It was a
workout for sure with all my fur weighing me down but foster dad made sure he
was right by me to make sure I'm safe. I love playing with other furbabies at the
park, playing fetch at home and playing with small kids. A human friend at the park
has given me the honorary title 'Ms.Longnose' and my parents think that's an apt
and adorable name. My parents would have named me 'Collie-flower' if i did not
have a name already - thankfully i did.
Besides play time, i also enjoy being groomed. I like to hike and run. There's
nothing like a bowl of water with ice after a long hike or run. I also like the smell of
human food that my parents cook - but they never share it with me. Please ask
them to!
While I'm not playing, I lay down by dad's work desk and herd him to finish his
work sooner. I also like to sleep by mom's desk and sleep through her meetings.
Occasionally, i go to mom's workplace where I play time keeper and bark when
meetings run over time. When there is a cool breeze outside, i love to hang out in
the back yard and watch for any squirrel intruders. My parents also call me the
Queen. Sounds about right!
I wanted to thank Norcal Collie Rescue for finding me a good home and also
convey that my parents are very grateful to have me in their lives. They say I'm
their lucky charm and a lot of good things have come their way since I entered
their world.

Thanks all for reading! Woof!
Adopted July 2022
Posted:  May 2023
Rain is Maddox’s brother and litter mate. The decision was made to split them up and he is living his best life in Modesto with his new family.
They could not be happier with him and he loves all the attention he is getting as the only dog in the house.
Posted:  June 2023
Maddox came to us because his Collie Dad had passed away.
He found his forever home in Martinez where his new best friend is a lovely kitty! He is so happy and loved with his new family!
Maple came to us due to no fault of her own.  She has some
interesting quirks that require a special person. Needed to be an
only dog,  does not play well with others!  Needed to be cat free.
She thinks they are her personal chew toy!  Again, the right person
came along, and she is doing wonderful in her new home!
Posted:  June 2023
Here is Cali.   She came to me due to no fault of her own. Her family had some life changes, and she was
alone too much.  She found a forever home here in the Sierra’s where she gets lots of love, attention, and
hikes in Natures Wonderland of Pollock Pines, CA.

She is loving her new life !
Posted:  November 2023
Posted:  November 2023
Meet Roxie.  She came to us with some special needs and could not have landed in a
better place. Roxie is blind in her left eye and has some minor health issues that will need
to be monitored as she ages. Collie magic happened and she is in an amazing home
where Collies have always lived. It is wonderful the folks that adopted her are so
dedicated to the breed with knowledge and love !