A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization

Serving Northern California
and Surrounding Areas
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* NorCal Collie Rescue is California non-profit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation C2798651 EIN 20-3381549.
   Your donations are fully tax deductible.
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Happy Tails  -- 2013

Stories of Adopted Collies
June 2013
Mariah ADOPTED 6/12/13
Mariah reunited with her Brother Venture. Litter mate siblings separated at 2 months old and rescued a year a part.  Venture was adopted as a puppy from NCR by Megan and Marchello. Riah was rescued a year later, and this happy family couldn't resist reuniting the brother and sister. Congratulations to them, and to Venture and Riah. Collie magic happy ending!!
Jerry was Adopted September 23 2013
To his wonderful forever family!!
September 2013
January 2013
Tate Adopted January 30th 2013
Tate was forced to linger in a shelter for several weeks, waiting for his owners to decide if they wanted to go claim him or not. Its a very despicable story for such a wonderful, sweet, loving collie such as he. Why anyone would find that decision hard is beyond us.  Lucky for Tate, and for his new Dad's, Cam and Dane, NCR was able to convince the shelter to turn him over to us, when his owners decided they didn't want to go get him.  Tate's new family are over joyed to have him in their life. They call him Sweet Tater!  Because sweet is exactly what he is. 
Madison Adopted October 12th 2013
Madison (Tri) was found stray and in very poor condition. Very sick, matted and dirty.
But take a look at her now!!  All well, clean, happy and loving life in her new home with her new brother Leo (Sable).  A very happy tail indeed!!
October 2013
Bo Jangles
October 2013
Bo Jangles Adopted October 9th 2013
On his way to a new and wonderful life with his new best buddies, Ryan, Will, Kaiya (GSD), Mom and Dad. (Dad not present for picture). Bo is a young collie that was surrendered to NCR by a family that loved him, but because of health reasons, were no longer able to give this high energy pup the exercise that he craves. His new family is just as active as he is. Perfect match, and collie magic at its best!
Sir Lancelot
January 2013
Sir Lancelot (fka Lad) Adopted on January 5, 2013

Lance is one of the Camelot collies rescued a few years back. He and 2 other collies were rescued from a homeless situation. All 3 had sarcoptic mange.  Lance was adopted then to a wonderful home, but with great sadness, had to be returned to NCR due to a change in the family's circumstances. Now Lance has been re adopted and re named. Lad has a fantastic new home, where he is treated like the royalty that he is.  Not to mention looking very handsome!
May 2013
Amber Adopted May 4, 2013

Amber's new family had already adopted a sable collie from NCR, named Carley, in 2012. Now Carley has a best friend in a Tri collie named Amber.

The 2 collies adore each other, and are a perfect match. Young and playful.  Mom and Dad are soon to have a new human baby as well.

They will be one big happy family. But Dad will have a house full of girls. Mom, baby girl, and 2 female collies! Dad must really like the ladies! Amber and Carley are in heaven at their new home. Congrats to the whole family!
Heather and her new family- adopted November 2013
November 2013
Long journey home. Taiwan Tony, now known as Brody Adopted 11/20/13. He is home for the holidays!

Note from new mom:  "We love Brody ( AKA "Tony” ).  He is super smart, playful, mischievous, gregarious and a beautiful boy. Even with his docked tail, three toes on a back foot, and possibly an eye issue – I’m going to have his eyes checked soon, although this does not seem to hinder him in any way.

He is catching on quickly to his new house rules; he’s learned to fetch a tennis ball and bring it back and place it in my hand; we are working on not darting out a door when it’s open, walking on a leash, “no bite” he’s mouthy, sit and come.
Official Obedience class starts in January. After a few months of that, we’ll start Agility. This dog is smart and NEEDS something to do. I think he will excel in Agility. I can hardly wait!

Having Brody here has been a positive thing for my other collie Star, too.  She plays with him, is more active and she is more affectionate with me.  A little competition for Mom’s attention may not be such a bad thing.

I am very glad to be part of the  Nor Cal Collie Rescue family!"
Taiwan Tony - now Brody
November 2013
Max came to us a bit un-socialized. Mostly had a fear of men, and was reactive to everything. Bikes, skate boards, other dogs, noises etc.  Cant tell that by these pictures!  Max has come a long way with all of the TLC he has received in his foster home, and continued by his new Dad. Max will be starting his obedience classes next week with is new Dad.

Its a perfect match, the love between the two of them is obvious already.  Congrats to Max and Jack and best wishes for a long and happy life together.
Max loving his forever new Dad
December 2013
Other Years -- 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 & 2003