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November 2004
Sophia is now 6 years old going on 2 and has fit right in since the day she stepped foot in her new home. We did discover just how smart she really is. She is quite an escape artist and I only mention this due to the fact she is extremly smart about it. She will climb a fence and then sit on the front porch and bark at the door so to let us know, Ha Ha I did it again. My screen door from the outside I discovered, will pop open with two swipes of a paw to let herself in. She is very well behaved and the kids adore her as much as she adores them. She sleeps on my 4 yr old sons bottom bunk with him at night. She follows me around the house during the day, she does not like to be by herself much and will frequently put her head on my foot as reassurance that I'm there. My oldest son who is 11 takes her out daily for a run around the block. As soon as she see's her leash she runs up to him and sits right in front of him waiting anxiously to get going. She also loves to go "bye bye". She rides very well in the car or in my new truck. There have been times she will run out the house to jump into the truck when she see's the truck door open. Sophia is a true collie at her finest. She is intelligent, caring, very affectionate, good natured, well behaved, loves children and even the family cat. In fact we can't see ourselves without her and wonder how we ever got along without her. There has been talk of adopting another dog here in the household. We think Sophia would like the company of another dog but I think we would compare it too much against her. We were very fortunate in finding her. 11.19.2004

Laddie - (unlike Paisley, who was very camera-shy), stepped over to the greenest part of my garden, and actually posed for the pictures with his front paws on the stepping stone, then turned for a profile pose!! Laddie had to get a summer "crewcut," but his coat is growing in, and starting to look beautiful again. He was so patient with my grandchildren when they visited last summer. They do not have a dog, and he was brushed and pulled out of the bedroom and fussed over by them, but took it all in stride, and seemed to enjoy it at least for a short while, then he would go back to his bed. When I come home from work, he sometimes leaps with joy to greet me, and he is learning to wait until we get inside the house to "speak" to me. He sleeps peacefully at my bedside at night, and helps motivate me to walk every morning, and seems to be in good health for his 11 years of age.

Today we went to Grace Cathedral in San Francisco for the annual St. Francis Day blessing of the animals. There had to be over 100 dogs and cats, and 2 horses there! I got lots of nice comments on how beautiful, and how well behaved Laddie was (he was the only Collie!). I told everyone that came up to him about NorCal Collie Rescue, and how great it is to adopt an older dog. He got a special blessing from one of the ministers, but I am the one who feels blessed to have him.
Thanks for all the work you do to rescue these special dogs!
Riley has been with us for about 5 months now and is a happy and spunky member of our family. He's smart as a whip, and though not too much of a barker, does enjoy running off the back deck to bark at any squirrel who has the audacity to wander into our yard! Everybody loves him and he's become part of our much missed Sheltie's old group of doggie pals. Although no dog could replace Max in our hearts, Riley has been a wonderful new furry face in our home and a welcome addition to the neighborhood.
Riley jumps on the bed when invited, sits, stays, does high 5s and high 10s, and is improving on his recall at doggie parks like Point Isabel. At home, nothing makes him happier than a Trader Joe's knuckle bone. In fact, he gets quite "put out" thinking that one of our Russian Blue cats is going to steal his bone. When he sees a cat approaching, he'll give the cat "dirty eye" and follow him around until satisfied the cat isn't going to take it. (Though it probably weighs as much as he does and the cat has not the slightest interest in his bone!) I won't say there haven't been a few bumps in the road -- like the day Riley stole two sticks of butter off the counter and ate them in less than the time it takes to say, "got butter?" (Let's just say that a steam cleaner is a great appliance to have around!) But, the endearing qualities far outweigh the challenges of a zippy youngster like Riley. And if we had it to do over, we wouldn't change a thing. I'm proud to say he's my new fur-kid and we both love him to pieces! 11.8.2004
November 2004
August 2004
Here is a picture of Buster and Kubby his Collie buddy taken at the beach when we were camping this year. Kubby (our 7 year old Collie) was looking for a friend to pal around with and when we took him to meet Buster (about the same age) they hit it right off. We changed Charlies' name to Buster after a few months because he needed a stronger name to match his personality. He responded right away, so maybe it was a name he had known in his previous life. We also discovered that he is very visual and using hand signals when a command is given has been really helpful. Buster is very loving and giving and after he knew he was loved and secure in our home he settled right in. He's even become good friends with Jazzie, one of our cats (that took a little time & patience on Jazzie's part). Buster came from a wonderful foster home that was full of love and also spent some time with a dog trainer before he came to live with us. Thanks for sharing Buster with us, he is definately part of our family and Kubby is happy to have a special pal. Buster is on the left in this picture. 08.22.2004

Honey's parents dropped us a quick note to let us know how she is doing in her forever home. Like always, she is curled up sleeping by the desk, under-foot, and guarding the door. She is a lovely and loving dog whose dark past, though present in her still timid nature, is diminishing on a daily basis.
She is happy and healthy. She follows our other dog Lady like a shadow, and they commune marvelously. Like sisters, really. She will literally stand over Lady, while she's sleeping, for 30 minutes or more, without moving or making a sound. Something Lady used to do for our dear departed Lab, Old Yeller.
She has absolutely no aggression and she never snaps or looks at anyone sideways, even when being groomed of painful mats. She eagerly meets new dogs, and again never acts tough. When she meets a new dog, she acts like a very young Collie.
To all, thanks! 07.24.2004
July 2004
Cody is a beautiful mahogany sable and white male, 5 years old, who was found by collie rescue in a Northern California Shelter. He fell in love with his adoptive parents right away - it was Collie magic like we have never seen before. Cody is a great dog, and he will get lots of love and attention with his new family. They have no other pets, so Cody will be # 1 in their lives. His adoptive dad has taught him to go get his own leash! Cody goes and gets his leash then takes it to the front door, drops it, and waits there for it to be clipped on for his morning walk. Cody was already partially obedience trained and has now been taught to sit and stay on command.
We are truly glad that Cody is now in his forever home. He has that wonderful Collie trait, of wanting to please, which makes him a pleasure to be around, indoors and out. 11.20.2004
November 2004

Sky & Belle were adopted together, though they came from different circumstances. They are really perfect for each other and they have a mother/son relationship which works well for both of them. Belle is very serious, no time to play because she has her watch dog job to do or a beauty/power nap to take. She is a bit of a Diva, in charge of everyone and everything. Her favorite thing seems to be hanging out in the front yard and barking at people! "Come pet me," she demands! Extremely confident, fearless, friendly and sweet. My friend calls her "The Belle of the Ball" because she is very elegant and seems to know just how beautiful and special she is.
Sky is blossoming every day. His coat is filling out and he loves to play now. He is so much fun. He has a collection of stuffed animals, balls and stuff he keeps on his bed. He tries to add to it all the time and has even tried to take the TV remote control. He especially loves my son's socks and I even found an old sprinkler head in the pile one day. It's quite funny! 9.7.2004
Sky & Belle
September 2004
September 2004
We are sending a little update on Max and a photo of the big boy with our son. Max has settled in to our home and is having a good life, as are we. We are so grateful to have him in our lives.
Max seems to be very happy and well-adjusted. I have never met a more mellow and loving animal. We want to thank you once again for bringing him into our family.

Jenny is doing just fabulously!!! Recently, I needed to go in to work on a Sunday, so I decided to bring Jenny along to keep me company. She is as happy as a little clam being at my side all day. There is an enormous difference in Jenny from the first time I brought her to work till now. For example, now when I go get something to drink, I don't need to put her on a leash. I just ask her to heel and she stays by my side. Then when I go to our refreshment room, she just sits and waits for me without a single command! She seems just to be happy to be with me and knows what makes me happy as well.
I must say that Jenny is the Collie I have dreamed of having my whole life. Last February, I began my midlife crisis, and decided I had enough love for two dogs and did not want to leave this world without seeking the Collie of my dreams. I am so fortunate to have found the dedicated and patient ladies in the California Collie Rescue that led me to the Collie of my dreams. My life is now fulfilled with Shelby, my Golden Retriever and Jenny, my gentle Collie. BTW, Jenny was born on my father's birthday and Shelby is just ten days younger than Jenny. I LOVE HER SO MUCH and things just keep getting better!!!!. 9.2.2004. Updated with sheep herding picture on 11.4.2005.
November 2004
August 2004
Taylor is a 13 year old collie, so we are told. But he is very active and the vet thinks he is no more than 10. Never the less, he is an older guy with a very sad story. Taylor was in an abusive situation with lots of yelling and still gets very upset at loud voices...still! Taylor was relinquished to collie rescue when his family could no longer care for him. Taylor's foster mom will keep him for the rest of his life. He is a totally happy guy now. He loves his daily runs in the nearby orchard with his other new dog friends. As a matter of fact, his foster mom also kept a Golden Retriever that was also relinquished from the same home. So he still has one of his old friends with him.
Taylor is very well mannered and loving, and although was depressed for a few days, is now just as happy as can be in his new home, where he gets nothing but love and attention. Like a true collie, he has absorbed the love that he needs, and has bounced back to be the kind of guy he was meant to be. He is full of all of the wonderful collie traits that are the reason we love collies so much. 8.24.2004

Angel came to collie rescue when a shelter worker contacted us about a purebred, elderly Collie in the shelter, one he thought was too sweet to die. And was he ever right. Every collie rescue volunteer who came into contact with Angel fell in love instantly. In fact, we all fought over who got to adopt her. At a likely 11 years old, her chances of getting adopted were remote...but once you met her, well, let's just say that two volunteers independently came up with the name "Angel" for her.
Angel had had a hard life, for sure. She was picked up by animal services when their truck hit her. She looked like a coyote when she arrived in collie rescue, with years of undercoat still there, full of dirt and foxtails. Yet, her sweet Collie nature overwhelmed us all, and there was no doubt whatsoever that she would have the best rest of her life that anyone could humanly offer her. See? Isn't she sweet? A real angel. Count the love, not the years. 7.26.2004
July 2004
Jayda got a new lease on life when she was found by another rescue who asked collie rescue to place her. We were delighted to help because we rarely get young dogs and we have a long waiting list of wonderful adopters.
Jayda's new family adores her as you can see. Jayda gets daily walks and gets to go to "work" everyday with her person (who's doing the working we ask??). You can see that Jayda is full of joy and love of life. We are so grateful for the happy endings that our adopters are able to provide these needy dogs. 8.1.2004
August 2004

Riley has a very very sad story, with a wonderful happy ending. He is a 5 year old Tri colored collie that was hit by a car. He suffered, in critical condition for a week, then, when he was at death's door, he was taken to an animal shelter. The animal shelter called collie rescue to pick him up when they realized that he would need more care than they could provide. The Veterinarian at the shelter did not expect him to live through the night. Riley's foster mom, immediately took him from the shelter to her vet. That vet also agreed that he might not survive. He was in very bad shape with a bruised liver and 6 inch abrasion on his leg. He could barely get up, or walk and was terribly matted, dirty, and stinky. Riley's foster mom and the vet did everything they could to save his life. Within a week he was feeling better and within two weeks was much better and adopted to a wonderful home! His adoptive parents fell madly in love with Riley as soon as they set eyes on him. He still needed TLC and medical care, but they have huge giving hearts and wanted to offer their home to this needy dog. He was also welcomed to his new home by his now two best collie friends Morgan and Sunny. 6.12.2004
June 2004
June 2004
Sassy At 11 years old, "Big Sass" lost her owner who died after 8 happy years together. We were blessed to find someone who would take in this older dog, abandoned in later life by tragedy. Sassy has settled in beautifully with her new family and their human and animal family. She delights in hanging out (so Santa Cruz!), and both loves and is loved by all, including the 3 cats. There's never been a cross word or look between Sassy and Belle, our alpha merle -- Sass even seems to be growing a big new coat to mimic her new big sister. Sassy has a special fondness for Kitty Scarlett, and even fell into the pool not once or twice, but 3 times as she walked the narrow coping in pursuit of Scarlett's company (the pool is now safely fenced against that possibility!). 6.14.2004

Paisley was discovered in a shelter by a friend of collie rescue. Because she was an older dog, she was difficult to place. Paisley's forever home person began to look for a dog when she tragically lost her own rescue dog while traveling (her dog escaped from the pet sitter!). When she found the picture and notes about Paisley on Petfinder, she thought, "There is a dog who needs me as much as I need her." She felt such sympathy for her to have lost her owner at her age. She wondered what would happen to her if she was not adopted, and realized most people would want a younger dog. So she read up on Collies and decided she would like to meet Paisley. Although Paisley tired easily on that first walk, her new person found Paisley to be sweet and calm, and it was obvious to her that the two needed each other. Paisley is thriving in new home, able to walk much farther and to play games and act much younger than her age. Paisley's personality has come out with her new owner and they both feel lucky to have each other. 6.6.2004
June 2004
Daisy is an energetic young Collie whose elderly owners had to relinquish because they were moving out of state. Daisy was adopted by a wonderful family with three children and two other dogs. Daisy's family says that "A gentler soul never lived and she has been a welcome and joyful addition to our family." Daisy and Duke (left) are sharing a bed at last! We are thrilled to see such a happy dog, obviously taken into the heart of both the human and dog members of the family. 2.1.2004
February 2004
Happy Tails -- 2004
Stories of Adopted Collies
Other Years -- 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 & 2003