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Tribute to Fred John Silvester
April 26, 1950 to June 22, 2006
Fred John Silvester, 56 of Gustine, died Thursday in Livermore.
Fred was a native of St. Paul, Minnesota and had lived in Gustine for 7 years. He was a Crane Operator for 25 years and was recently employed at Sheedy Company he previosuly was employed with Hatton Crane Company and San Jose Crane Company for many years. He also was a Bear Trainer with the Hathorn Circus. He was a Vietnam Veteran who served in the United States Marine Corps from 1968 - 1976. He was an avid animal lover.
He is survived by his mother, Betsy Ross Silvester of Gustine; brother, James Fred Silvester of Sacramento; sisters, Sandra Clarisse Saugen of San Jose and Stephanie Sturtz of Idaho. He was preceded in death by his father, Charles Silvester in 2006.
Remembrances can be made to the Community Presbyterian Church of Gustine Memorial Fund, 399 6th Street, Gustine, CA. 95322. Services conducted by Hillview Funeral Chapel, Gustine.
Fred weighed 13.6 lbs at birth and lived BIG his whole life. To all who knew him, Fred was clearly happy with his life and was always busy enjoying it. He even loved his work. He loved heavy equipment since he was a child and dreamed of someday operating it himself. He joined the Marines when he was 17 and was a Tank operator in Viet Nam. Parts of one of his legs are missing from shrapnel. After his honorable discharge from the Marine Corps, Fred joined the circus and worked training bears and other animals, relfecting his great love of all animals including his collies. While in the Marines Fred learned how to operate heavy equipment, and eventually he got a job as a crane operator, a trade he practiced for 25 years. And yes, he rode a huge Harley.
The collie community cannot express the depth of their loss with Fred s passing. NorCal Collie Rescue volunteers all extend their deepest condolences and love to Fred s mother, Betsy Silvester, his brothers and sisters, family and friends. Fred s collies Tuffy, Sundance and Rusty miss him and are also grieving for him

Rusty, Fred and Sundance
Pictures of Fred at the Collie Artistry Day at Willowside Ranch, taken by Tom Callaham