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What is breed rescue?
A breed rescue organizations is a group of volunteers who are fanciers of that particular breed. They are concerned, responsible pet owners or breeders who keep that particular breed as a companion or working dog. You can find out about your local breed rescues from your local animal shelter, SPCA, dog club, or by doing a search on the internet.
Breed rescue organizations find dogs from a wide variety of sources, including animal shelters, strays and other abandoned dogs picked up by people knowledgeable of that breed, and breeders and other owners relinquishing dogs they no longer can keep. Breed rescue organizations typically have a system of foster homes and other volunteers. Veterinarians may give rescue organizations a small discount on their fees. Dogs coming into breed rescue are evaluated for medical problems and treated, and spayed or neutered if needed (all dogs must be speutered before they can leave breed rescue). Foster homes typically keep rescued dogs for several weeks to months, while the dog is bathed, fed well (often for the first time), recovering from surgery or health problems, and evaluated for temperament by people experienced with that breed. Breed rescue organizations typically have a strict adoption procedure, to make sure that the new home is a permanent one and that both new owners and dog are as well matched and as happy as possible.
Breed rescue organizations usually file for non-profit status, so that they can do some fund raising to cover basic costs and obtain dogs from shelters, which usually release only to 501(c)(3) organizations (and so not to dog brokers or Class B dealers). Breed rescues charge an adoption fee to cover many of the costs associated with rehabilitating these needy dogs. Often the adoption fee covers only about half of the actual cost of rescuing and rehoming dogs. The remainder is covered by donations, grants that 501(c)(3) organizations may apply for, and by the volunteers in the breed rescue who absorb many small costs from their personal funds (such as food, phone calls, transportation, office supplies and so on).
People often think that the best and most responsible way to adopt a new dog is to go to the local animal shelter and choose a mixed-breed dog. Certainly going to a shelter is a good and responsible way to find your next dog! However, there are advantages to choosing breed rescue for your next dog.
These include:
Consider breed rescue for your next dog... Consider an older dog... These needy, older dogs understand and are grateful to their new owners. They become just as loving and loyal as any dog you raise from puppyhood.
You can get a pure-bred dog, which will allow you to know its temperament, adult size and appearance more predictably than if you choose a mixed breed dog.
You can fit your own life style and personality to the best breed for you, again more predictably than if you choose a mixed breed dog
Many breed rescues also offer mixes of that breed, which show the predictable breed characteristics and allow you to know what kind of dog you are adopting.
You don’t have to feel guilty about choosing a pure-bred dog over a shelter dog, because many dogs in breed rescue did come from the shelter and faced euthanasia along with all the other dogs, regardless of breed or heritage.
You can choose an individual dog that is best suited for you, because it has been evaluated in a foster home by a person experienced with dogs in general and this breed in particular.
You can adopt a well behaved older dog and skip the intense care required for puppies.