A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization
Serving Northern California
and Surrounding Areas
If possible, would you consider donating a small amount more to cover PayPal's service fee?
* NorCal Collie Rescue is California non-profit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation C2798651 EIN 20-3381549.
Your donations are fully tax deductible.
Website Developed and Maintained by
Website to the Rescue
I understand the collie I have agreed to sanctuary/foster has been exposed to the Covid 19 virus.
I understand that I must take all necessary safety precautions to eliminate transmission of the virus as recommended by the CDC.
I understand that if safety protocols change, I will follow all safety instructions as provided by NCR and the CDC.
I understand fully that the collie(s) I foster are temporarily in my care and belong exclusively to NCR or the Covid-19 patient.
I further understand that the purpose for the foster relationship is solely to provide care for the collie(s).
I understand that when the collie(s) are ready to be available for adoption or returned to their family, as determined by an NCR officer, I will return him/her/them to NCR or placement or their owner.
I understand that I have the option to be the first person to fill out an application to adopt the animal (or one of the animals, if multiple) that I have fostered. I understand that this application must be on file with the NCR Adoption Coordiator prior to that animal becomeing available for adoption.
I understand that the collie(s) I foster for NCR may have infectious diseases and that NCR will not treat or pay for the treatment of any other animals in my household should they become sick as a result of contact with the NCR collie(s). I understand that NCR will notify me of any known illnesses that the collie(s) has/have, but that the collie(s) could have other, unknown illnesses and could become more ill.