A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization

Serving Northern California
and Surrounding Areas
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* NorCal Collie Rescue is California non-profit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation C2798651 EIN 20-3381549.
   Your donations are fully tax deductible.
Website Developed and Maintained by
Website to the Rescue

Foster Home Application


With the number of abandoned and needy Collies increasing throughout California, we’re desperately short of foster homes. Thank you for expressing an interest in fostering a collie for NorCal Collie Rescue (NCR) and for helping us in our efforts to prevent these beautiful and gentle dogs from being mistreated and/or destroyed.  We need temporary homes for our Collies where they can remain until a permanent placement is made.

If you desire to become a foster home for NCR's collies, please complete the application below.
City, State, Zip
Email Address:
Daytime Phone No.:
Evening Phone No.:

    Collies you might be willing and able to foster. Please check all your preferences.

    Preference:  Male  Female  Young  Mature  Senior Rough Coat  Smooth Coat

    Would you be willing and able to foster a special-needs collie? (mark those that you can handle)

Pregnant or Nursing
Neonatal puppy or puppies (less than a month old)
Young puppy or puppies (2 to 4 months old)
Puppy (5 to 12 months old)
Injured or sick*
Elderly or medically challenged
Post-surgical (e.g. spay/neuter surgery)
Behavioral issues (fear aggression, nuisance barking, resource guarding, etc.)

*All collies who come through NorCal Collie Rescue (NCR) will be vet checked, spayed or neutered, vaccinated as necessary, and vet certified before they are placed in any foster or adoptive home. NCR pays all medical and grooming expenses while a collie is in foster care. However, it is possible that a collie may carry a disease not detected during his or her vet check. NCR will notify fosterers/adopters of any known illnesses that the animal has, but that animal could have other, undiscovered illnesses and could become more ill. NCR will not treat or pay for treatment of any other animals in the household should they become sick as a result of contact with the NCR animal.


Do all household members agree to your fostering animals?
Would you be agreeable to having your residence visited by a NCR volunteer prior to taking a collie into your home?
Do your work away from home?
If Yes, how many hours away?
How will you manage the foster dog while you are away?
Are you willing and able to bring the collie to a veterinary hospital or emergency clinic (evenings/holidays) should he or she become ill?
Are you willing to administer medications to a collie who requires them?
Do you have pets of your own?
If yes, please provide us with the following information about your own pets:  
Type (dog, cat, etc) Breed Size Sex Age Altered
If you have other animals, how will you manage the foster dog around them?
Consider other dogs versus smaller, vulnerable animals like cats, birds, etc.
Are your own pets current on their vaccinations and medications (e.g. heartworm)?
Do you have prior experience with the type of foster care you are willing to provide?
If Yes, please explain:

To validate human entry of this application, please type the word DOG in this box:    


If your application for fostering is accepted, then you will be asked to comply with the stipulations below. 

The NCR Foster Care Program is for collies who are not immediately ready to be adopted.  Please review the following statements, then after you submit your Foster Home Application you will be directed to this Statement to print out, intiial, and sign.
I understand fully that the collie(s) I foster are temporarily in my care and belong exclusively to NCR.
I further understand that the purpose for the foster relationship is solely to provide care for the collie(s).
I understand that when the collie(s) are ready to be available for adoption, as determined by a NCR officer, I will return him/her/them to NCR for placement.  Any and all placements will be made through NCR and are subject to the same guidelines as any other adoption.
I understand that I have the option to be the first person to fill out an application to adopt the animal (or one of the animals, if multiple) that I have fostered.  I understand that this application must be on file with the NCR Adoption Coordiator prior to that animal becomeing available for adoption.
I understand that the collie(s) I foster for NCR may have infectious diseases and that NCR will not treat or pay for the treatment of any other animals in my household should they become sick as a result of contact with the NCR collie(s).  I understand that NCR will notify me of any known illnesses that the collie(s) has/have, but that the collie(s) could have other, unknown illnesses and could become more ill